Tag Archive: Studio Gokumi


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Another season and another one of these, at this point I’m not sure I’ll ever return to regular blogging. Though that is slowly becoming one of my regrets, I am also coming to terms that my current time schedule wouldn’t allow me to do much with it anyways. As far as life is concerned, I’m moving a bit, but no-where close to where I want to be. But everyday, I’m discovering more things that keep me grounded to this life of mine. One of the few things that I’ve always enjoyed and have never regretted was my interest in anime. As a medium, it has warmed my heard with countless experiences and dragged my imagination to past anything I could’ve ever thought possible. At least for right now, I want to experience more stories and etch them deep in my heart. With that said, here’s what we have for this upcoming season!

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Hey Everyone! Back with another one of these. I’m not back to writing, though I have secured a job to help me weather through the process of finding something more permanent. A new year means new things and hopefully 2014 will be even better than 2013 for me. For those curious on what I’m up to, I do regularly update my Facebook pages so be sure to check it out under the about page.

Otherwise, Xewleer has started to focus on his own writing and may make an appearance here or there with some writings. I’ve not felt much of a writing spark and I do regret that some of my writing projects have been on hold for quite a while now. Hopefully, I can get a bit more funds and eventually be able to devote alot more time to it. Anyways here’s a bit of tidbits on the next season and my expectations etc…

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